This is my E.T. “The Extra Terrestrial” Movie collection of very Rare Concept, Prototype, Pre-production, Movie Production and Retail Production materials from the E.T. film from the years between 1981 and 1982.
The majority of these materials were acquired from the late Howie Cohen’s collection from his company, Everything Bicycles, from when he worked closely with Kuwahara Japan and Steven Spielberg in the early 1980’s. I was fortunate in acquiring these from Mark Silberberg who worked with Howie Cohen at Everything Bicycles during these years.
There is a rich history here with Everything Bicycles and their involvement with Kuwahara Japan in the early 80’s and some of the materials in this collection are therefore also Kuwahara related.
Most of these materials are very rare and unique but also priceless pieces and will be staying here at my Vintage BMX and Kuwahara museum for display. The most interesting pieces in my opinion are the Concept, Prototype, and Movie Production materials.
The Concept materials like the E.T. face grips, and E.T. handlebar reflectors were created for potential manufacturing but they ended up straying from the original design or the ideas were completely scrapped.
The Prototype materials were designed and ended up being used for production which is very cool. My favorite in this collection are the 6 art boards designed by legendary Ted Mayer to be used as reference for designing and building the on-screen BMX bikes at Kuwahara and Everything Bicycles. Other art boards were made for the E.T. BMX production poster, handlebar mouonted front basket, retail packaging, and posters. The prototypes include the E.T. Bicycle handlebar mounted basket with E.T. basket plates, E.T. number plates, E.T. leather seat cover, and E.T. figure handlebar mounted figures.
The Movie Production materials like the movie bike decals were produced and applied to 4 of the 5 on-screen bikes (and backups) ridden by the actors/stunt men in the 1982 E.T. film. Luckily, they produced a good amount of each color scheme and so there are actually Brand New (never applied or New Old Stock) extras leftover from the production.
Also in the collection are E.T Beta copies of the film, a promotional E.T. film reel, press release materials, photos, trade show items, marketing materials, Kuwahara model spec sheets and photo cards, and many very rare film negatives and film color positives and slides of images from behind the scenes on set of the movie as well as the E.T. BMX poster and BMX model photos for print. I have chosen not to display the film negatives and postives here, but will only be available for viewing in the museum.
There are some E.T. retail memorabilia like E.T. records, posters, action figures, binders, balloons, birthday supplies, books, Christmas ornaments, trading cards, buttons, and bicycle grips and pads.
Other pieces, like Kuwahara ET BMX posters, Kuwahara model spec sheet photo cards, ET movie posters, balloons, and Kuwahara director’s chairs (which were used at trade shows – the canvas materials are originals from the early 80s but the wooden chair itself is new and was sourced to fit the canvas materials perfectly) were luckily survived by multiple copies so some will be staying in the museum and the rest will be auctioned and sold.
FYI: The extremely rare E.T. “Fingers Touching” One Sheet Posters were only produced in limited numbers and distributed only to Movie Theatres in 1982. They were never sold or made available to the public. The Japanese version of the E.T. BMX poster was also made only for the Japanese market in 1982.
If you are interested in acquiring anything from this collection, please contact me through [email protected].
Year1981-1982BrandKuwahara / E.T.ConditionExcellent to MintHighlightRare Prototypes & Artboards